Kanabec County heard about a program opportunity involving broadband internet at their February 16th meeting.
Kanabec County sits as one of nine counties where less than 50% of residents have access to broadband internet, including Pine and Isanti County.
The Community Broadband Sources: Accelerate! program would allow for specialists to work with local officials to create a game plan for getting the county up to standard with Minnesota’s 2026 broadband internet goal. The 15 week long program would consists of up to eight members that will present their findings to the community at the end.
Kanabec County has been working hard to expand internet capabilities but understands the struggles to make that happen. An estimate some time back placed the cost of running wire through the county at around $15 million. The county had applied for a grant to help cover around 60% of the cost, but was turned down.
The county board has been hearing complaints about the difficulties some residents have had on getting high-speed internet to their location.
"I had a call where there is a cable laid down in front of a guy, but they want $2,400 dollars to go up his driveway" said County Board Member McNally at the meeting.
The county approved on applying for the program and will look for community members to serve on the programs board.
