Mora’s left turn lane project at 9th Street and Highway 65 is facing delays that will push its completion date to next year.
During an update at Tuesday’s Mora City Council meeting, city engineer Greg Anderson said the project is halfway done.
"Talking with staff and with MnDOT, and looking at the calendar, my recommendation would be we wait until spring to finish everything in the south instead of getting halfway into things before it snows," Anderson said.
The project's contractor, ACM LLC, has already widened for the turn lane north of Industrial Road.
Work to widen the roadway south of Industrial Road is pending a permit for wetland impacts. That approval from the U.S. Corps of Engineers is estimated to be received in November.
Anderson said finishing the project next summer won’t jeopardize MnDOT funds.
"I'd rather have a half-done situation," Anderson explained." I think we're in a spot where we can pause next week and at least have it back to the way it ways, function through spring, and then finish the project next summer."
The plan is to complete the turn lane project when school is out.
