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Ogilvie Public Schools' new playground likely to open in October


Ogilvie Public Schools Superintendent Kathy Belsheim said the district’s new playground should be open in October.

In an update on the bond referendum project, Belsheim said excavation work on the site is nearly done. Equipment is scheduled to arrive in early September.

"Everything got pushed back a little bit, and I believe other areas have really seen a real delay in getting some equipment and supplies," Belsheim said.

She also said a project is underway to deal with moisture in the brick work of the school building.

"What was discovered is that the brick work, the flashing that was supposed to protect water from coming in wasn't exactly doing its job," she explained.

Around the outside perimeter of the school, crews are taking off the lower, ground-level bricks and redoing the flashing.

"They're getting the vapor protection exactly the way we need it," Belsheim said.

That process is expected to take two to three months to complete.

Check out the Q-Media On Demand Podcast to hear the full conversation with Belsheim.



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