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School boards, North Branch referendum in focus for Election Day


Tuesday, Nov. 7, marks Election Day, which means a couple of important decisions will be made in east central Minnesota.

The candidates for a four-year term on the Ogilvie School Board are newcomer James Hanna and incumbents Cory Schroeder and Josh Smith. Smith currently serves as the board chair, and Schroeder as the vice chair.

Jeremy Voss and Dan Wilder are both seeking a two-year term on the board.

In-person voting will take place at Ogilvie City Hall from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.

The Cambridge-Isanti School Board is also holding a special election to fill a vacant seat through the first Monday in January of 2025.

Cambridge residents Lynnae Bina and Edna Reichle-Terry and Isanti resident Timothy Hitchings are seeking election.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Cambridge Fire Hall and Isanti Community Center.

The city of North Branch will also have a two-question referendum ballot: Whether the city’s Water and Light Commission should be abolished, and whether the water utility should be transferred to the city council.

Polls in North Branch will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The three voting precincts are as follows:

  • Residents who live west of County Road 30 vote at the Access Church, located at 4359 392nd Street.

  • Residents who live east of County Road 30 and north of State Highway 95 vote at the Main Street Church, located at 6500 Main Street.

  • Residents who live east of County Road 30 and south of State Highway 95 vote at the Firehall of the City of North Branch, located at 37917 Forest Blvd.

Election results will be posted on KBEK and WCMP’s websites.



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